Change of mind returns. No one buying an item from a web site should get stuck with it. We have a no questions asked return policy and will provide a refund when returned goods are received by us. You must notify us of your intention to return within 7 days of receipt of your item(s) and actual return postage initiated within 9 days of receipt of the item(s). The item must be returned in the same condition as sent to you.
Where multiple items were purchased. If the number of items purchased qualified you for a discount and returned items result in you retaining less than the qualifying number, the refund will be based on the original ( undiscounted ) price of items retained.
OOPS Returns. If we send a wrong item or it's very much at odds with the description then you won't be out of pocket a single cent.
Returns of postage included items ( sometimes called free postage ) In the case of postage included items and change of mind returns, the refund will be exclusive of our original postage costs.
Address for returns
Can be seen at the bottom of the delivery package postage label.